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New open access book: Applied Non-didactics

edited by Frank Brümmel:

This publication on Applied Non-didactics suggests a way in which education, art and their social contexts can intertwine to transcend traditional boundaries. It seeks to redefine the connections between instruction and discovery by suggesting an act of teaching and learning that honours art and its intrinsic possibilities.

Applied Non-didactics advocates for art as not just as an aesthetic endeavour but as an invitation, part of a transformative space in which real educational moments can happen as part of an act of becoming. Taking these ideas as a framework and an encouragement, the contributors to the book lay out various ways in which such educational moments might happen, drawing from their diverse backgrounds as practitioners, theorists and educators. They, and the book as a whole, share an interest in the way these roles might interlink and intercommunicate.

Introduction / Frank Brümmel

Authority in Teaching:

Overcoming Didactophobia Through Applied Non-didactics / Gert Biesta

The Oscillating Art School / Magnus Quaife

I see you, I see me – encounters in arts / Sanna Vuolteenaho

Tuning in with the World – Knowing with Places / Minna Suoniemi & Marja Rastas

Delaying the Final Meaning: On Painting, Artistic Thinking, and Intentionless Learning / Luis Guerra Miranda

A Situated Scenery: An Arts pedagogical exercise for sharing individual frames of references / Heli Kauppila & Marika Orenius

What Applied Non-didactics is for me / Frank Brümmel

A Teacherly Moment / Hanna Vahvaselkä

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